Partnering with your emotions.
Reaching your goals.
If insight and willpower were all you needed, you’d already be there.
On top of hitting roadblocks and feeling stuck, folks often are saddled with tons of self-judgment and criticism that they can’t just do it. And our culture doesn’t help matters, reinforcing that if we want something hard enough, buy the right things, follow the right accounts, we can get whatever we want! And if we don’t, it is all our fault. It was that easy.
That’s total garbage.
We are not simple creatures.
When we try to bulldoze over ourselves to meet goals and aspirations, we are acting as if we’re robots. For good or bad, we are not robots. We organize our experience through emotions. They signal to us how to respond to each and every moment.
Although emotions can be ignored, they will make their presence known as we try and manage them somehow (hello sleeplessness, panic, becoming hopelessly spacey, racing thoughts).
Partnering with emotions helps us meet the moment flexibly.
What if we partnered with our emotions instead of fighting them, so that we can find some choice in how we meet the moment?
When our emotions arise—which they always do, because we’re human—we can track our inner world and emotions, see how we can help ourselves, perceive the moment more accurately, and then act rather than react.
Then we can move forward with integrity and self-trust.
When we use moment-by-moment emotional tracking, when we start to recognize emotions as information and empowerment, we can meet our life with more resiliency
We are not as easily tossed around by waves of emotion.
We build awareness around the ways we’re being tugged by different parts of us.
We get to know our core self, the part of us that can observe and respond with compassion to challenging moments.
We naturally move toward what’s healthy and transformative, toward what feeds us deeply, toward greater closeness to others.
We become our own partner and ally.
I warmly welcome you. Yes, you.
I’m dedicated to the ongoing inner and outer work that increases my ability to provide a HAES-aligned and class-sensitive safe space for folks who are part of the LGBTIA+, transgender, kink, fat, disabled, BIPOC, polyamorous, and CNM communities. Learn more about me here.
Try out a free consultation call to see if we might want to work together.
“For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I feel like there’s nothing wrong with me and like I can capably face whatever comes my way. I have my work with Noa to thank for that.”
—1:1 coaching client, Myra M