Neurodivergent Folks
For many ND folks, therapy and coaching has not been relieving nor supportive. Whether you’ve been pushed into therapies forever or are new to it, my hope is you have a safe landing place here, a place where we have a shared belief that you understand yourself best. As a provider for neurodivergent people, I strive to be safe enough that you don’t have to mask, where there’s no topic that’s off limits, where we celebrate you as you are.
Work with me can look very different, depending on areas that you’re working on. You may come in knowing what you are looking for, or we may need to collaborate to figure it out together. Together we might:
Problem solve to reduce anxiety-provoking disorganization and increase organization in the external environment.
Build skills to break down overwhelming tasks into small steps.
Learn how to make use of the Bullet Journal (Bujo) note taking and record keeping system to reduce overwhelm and mental clutter.
Getting safe practice at spontaneous conversation and genuine expression.
Reduce shame and self-blame, increasing self-compassion and understanding.
Develop skills in attuning to your body signals.
Grow tolerance for uncomfortable sensations and emotions.
Use body signals to help decipher and navigate social relationships.
Grow vocabulary for emotions as experienced in the body.
Undo historical and present day experiences of aloneness.
Expand capacity for feeling and using an observing self that is separate from uncomfortable sensations, emotions, or triggers.
Reduce anxiety-provoking disorganization and increase organization in the external environment through problem solving.