Nonmonogamous / Polyam Folks
If your relationships are anything other than societally-prescribed monogamy, you will undoubtedly encounter unique gifts and challenges.
A therapist or coach who has expertise and who “gets” this aspect of your life can be crucial, whether you’re seeking direct relationship support or support in other sectors of your life.
As you well know, there is no one way to “do” consensual non-monogamy (CNM). This life path provides ongoing opportunities for discovery, navigation, and negotiation with self and other.
Partnering with your emotions instead of fighting them can be a powerful key in shifting patterns—acting based on choice rather than on knee-jerk reactions. This way of orienting to our relationships can shake us CNM folks to our core. We can be shown not only our self-at-best, but our self-at-worst. Rather than shunning our self-at-worst, that part of us instead needs to be tended to with curiosity: recognized, tolerated, supported, and soothed.
For many folks, the CNM learning curve is much slower and much less linear than they’d prefer. Their ideals and their actual human reactions don’t line up all the time.
I love supporting CNM folks in normalizing, accepting, and working with where they actually are in their process rather than where they theoretically are or where they wish they were. Together we can:
Slow down and track big emotions, building tolerance and staying in the present moment.
Celebrate moments of joy, success, and the rewards you’re reaping from life as a CNM person.
Problem solve navigating the monogamous world and the complexities of managing multiple relationships with partners and metas.
Why I love doing this type of work:
As someone who’s been practicing CNM for over 8 years now, I know first hand what a wild and winding journey this can be!
My learning curve has been quite the path of personal discovery:
I’ve been driven by my ideals—trying to be the perfect poly person—and watched it explode over and over again.
I’ve gotten swept up in new relationship energy (NRE) and dropped the ball in nurturing my pre-existing relationships.
I’ve said horrible things to partners, overcome with big time jealousy and fear.
I’ve threatened to veto relationships while in fear. I’ve not been clear with myself or others what I really want and need, nor how much time and energy I have available for each connection.
The gifts I’ve learned about myself through CNM:
I have so much love in my heart.
I no longer make huge distinctions between romantic and friendship connections, nurturing and cherishing all valued relationships in my life.
I can take responsibility for my feelings as my feelings, not as easily asking others to fix them.
I can self-soothe.
I am capable of riding big waves and swells of my emotional experience.
AL, client
“Through our work, I’ve been so much better able to comfort myself when I have big poly fears and feelings, thank you so much, Noa!!”
EM, client